Social Psychology Network

Maintained by Scott Plous, Wesleyan University

Mariëlle Stel

Mariëlle Stel

  • Media Contact

I am an associate professor at the University of Twente. I graduated cum laude at the Radboud University Nijmegen in 2001 and received my Ph.D. at the same university in 2005. I have previously worked at Leiden University, Utrecht University, and Tilburg University.

I feel it is my mission to empower individuals and society to enhance their safety for both physical threats (disasters and crises) as well as social threats (other people). In three subdomains, I focus on (1) how to keep citizens safe from disasters and crises, (2) how to reduce harmful and financially costly deceptive behaviour, and (3) how nonverbal mimicry can foster emotional understanding and social behaviour.

Primary Interests:

  • Helping, Prosocial Behavior
  • Interpersonal Processes
  • Judgment and Decision Making
  • Nonverbal Behavior
  • Person Perception
  • Persuasion, Social Influence
  • Prejudice and Stereotyping
  • Self and Identity
  • Social Cognition

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Journal Articles:

Courses Taught:

  • Academic Skills
  • Current Themes in Social Psychology
  • Emotions
  • Intergroup Processes
  • Introduction to Social Psychology
  • Social Cognition and Emotion
  • Social Psychology of Emotions

Mariëlle Stel
Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences
University of Twente
Cubicus (Building No. 41), Room C239B, De Zul 10
7522 NJ Enschede
The Netherlands

  • Phone: +3153 489 3366

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